Tuesday 15 March 2011

Life on the 'Home Front' continued....

Day two of our 'Home Front' adventures.....
We started the day with some lovely porridge with golden syrup. No one is complaining, it is amazing how easy things are when you don't give the children a choice of cereals!
We then proceeded to make some bread to hopefully last a few days and some tasty 'Anzac' biscuits (more oats)! So lunch consisted of fresh bread and salad. (we figured that if we could grow items we could have them).
Tuesdays we are joined by the children from another home schooling family, so we took the opportunity to focus on life on the HF with them too.
A member of our church came to the house this afternoon with her lovely husband to talk to the children about her experience of life during the war years. Joan had grown up in Salford, Manchester by the docks. Her talk was very interesting and kept all of the children quiet and rooted to the spot for almost two hours, even Fenton, who actually fell asleep!
The children had prepared many questions for Joan, who was thrilled to be able to share her experiences.
Dinner - Jacket potatoes with baked beans and salad. Normally we would have cheese with this meal, but not this week!
 Pud - Pancake day, so pancakes made with one egg and part milk part water. Not bad, in fact much better then my usual effort.

Just as the children were ready for bed this evening, we played the 'air raid' siren which we found online. Tim had padded out the area under the table in the dining room with blankets and cushions and had set up a lamp for effect. We read the children their bedtime stories in our make believe 'Morrison' shelter. Of course they thought this was great fun! (Anyone questioning our sanity yet??).

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