It's an interesting question isn't it...we think we know who we are, but are we really true to ourselves and how do we appear to others?
The reason for blogging on this subject is because I have recently advanced into the world of 'dating'.
When you are in a long term relationship you bumble on along, content in life and secure. You take for granted the partnership you have, assuming (or perhaps not giving attention to the fact) that your partner will always be there. You share the responsibilities of life, of running a home etc etc. When that partnership dissolves for whatever reason, you have to re balance life...bluntly that's 'DIY' and it's not easy!
Back to dating.......
So it seems there are many options open to the single woman...(or man of course).
1. Leave things to chance.......this could of course take a long time and if you don't get out much your chances of finding Mr (or Mrs) Right, are seriously reduced.
2. Have a friend set you up on blind dates with their single friends.......sounds like a bad nightmare!
3. Join a dating agency......this seems to be what most singletons do these days.
So once you have established that you are going to go with the dating agency option, the next step is to decide which one? If you google the subject, ooodles of sites come up. I tell you choosing the right sight takes some hitting and missing too.
All the sites that I have so far looked at require you to register to have yourself put in the picture (it's a bit like selling your house), and you have to pay for the privilege to make contact and read messages from prospective lovers.
OK, so that established, one has to describe oneself....this for me is the tricky bit.
'Wild, crazy mother of three who has no income who cooks lentils and still does cartwheels at the age of 40'......
'Internally beautiful young lady with delightful dependents, loves crafts and living in the country'.......
Oh dear
'Buxom brunette, slim, likes to laugh (and joke around), dances in the living room, OK sings into the hairbrush (sometimes)'......
'Hippyish, home educating, vegetarian, earth mother, makes delicious dandelion quiche and is slightly bonkers'....
You could spend a lifetime planning and writing your profile and it is so important in finding the right person, get it wrong and the potential lover might just run a mile, or you may well attract some total weirdo...oh yes, they are out there!
Last weekend I decided that on line dating wasn't for me and that Mr Right was going to just turn up in my life, two days later, I have joined another website! A week later and I'm off again, having been contacted only by folk in their late 50's (not that there is anything wrong with this but I tend to like folk my own age)!
So it goes on.....thinking for now that there is a grand plan out there and that you never 'find' love when you are looking.
Watch this space!!!!!!!!!!