Friday, 21 June 2013

Wild and free

The way we parent our children is often a reflection of the ways in which we were parented ourselves. You may have heard the saying 'I opened my mouth and out came my mother'......we often say the things that our mothers said to us as we were growing up, often those things are sayings that we might not necessarily have liked or agreed with as children - funny that!

For some, our own experiences of childhood may contain bad memories and we may not wish to repeat such practises when we raise our own children.

My own personal experience of childhood contains many really good and positive memories. Dad worked and mum stayed at home to look after myself and three siblings. My parents approach to child rearing was to just let us get on with things. Of course I'm sure there were some boundaries (although some of you who know me may say that is questionable). We did have to go to bed quite early (probably so that they could fix the house after a day of trainee gymnasts trashed it!), but in the main, I consider myself very fortunate to have had such laid back parents who pretty much left us to find our own feet.
Perhaps it is of no surprise then to learn that my children also have quite a considerable amount of freedom in life. I guess we are lucky in that we live in a very rural and safe area where there is a lot of space to explore and be children. I don't have to worry about 'strangers' or traffic, here the only things to worry about are how high the tree is that the child is stuck in (mainly because I have to climb it to rescue them).

I've been pondering a lot recently, marvelling at the life we lead. Evaluating, contemplating and smiling.

'When life gives you lemons....make lemonade!'

This time last year was a period of great change and adjustment for us, with my soul mate having departed earth side and our move to a new home, the start of a new journey on a different path for our family unit began. It was exhausting to be honest. But time passes by so quickly and as it does so it heals wounds and brings with it new links, new experiences, new friendships and new memories to have and hold to take you on your path to the future.

We're all on the other side of the fence now, enjoying life to the full once more and we consider ourselves so fortunate in so many ways.

The children decided to dig a swimming pool!

Observing the children I am so aware how they are changing and maturing. Being at home with them enables me to witness so much. I am ever grateful that I have the opportunity to do so. Sometimes I worry that they perhaps aren't achieving the level of education that their peers are reaching in the school system and then when I look closer I realise that they are fine and learning vast amounts even on days when they appear to do very little.

Never forgetting to smell the flowers...

We are exposed to so many amazing experiences at home and with friends. Recently we had to deal with a rather serious medical emergency at work. Miss P called the emergency services and calmly answered all the questions and gave all the information that she needed to. Small boy grabbed the first aid kit from the car and the little lady dealt with showing the paramedics in. All in a days work, no second thoughts given.
I laugh (to myself) at the clothing choices they make. The little lady was out riding her bike in her PJ's for much of the morning. Small boy tends to spend a lot of his time in his camouflage overalls with his sun hat and cycle helmet on...there's normally a bow and arrow stuffed somewhere too and a back pack full of essential items. He has that hunter gather instinct about him and constantly talks about shooting or catching his dinner! I do love the way they aren't influenced by peer pressure or fashion.
We've been taking full advantage of the lovely weather that has been blessed upon us recently. Bedtime seems to have slipped to 'come in when you want' and most meals have become picnics as the smalls decide to dine Al Fresco. The gravel driveway has proved an interesting site for fossil hunting and many an evening are spent searching for the best or prettiest fossil.
I hope the experiences they are having will become fond memories of childhood in the future. they'll certainly become very fond memories of relaxed parenting :-)

If mummy asks for some weeds to be collected for supper, Small boy brings a wheelbarrow full!

It's midsummer's night tonight, there is a feeling of mischief and magic in the air, hope some of it is conjured into my wonderful elderflower cordial that is stewing on the stove top as I write.